资讯科技署 & 决策科学


2004 constant hall
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. in Production and Operations 管理, University of Kentucky, (1997)

M.B.A. in Production and Operations 管理, Bowling Green State University, (1992)

B.S.B.A. in Production and Operations 管理, Bowling Green State University, (1991)

主办机构: 前年
获得的日期: 2001-01-01
主办机构: 前年
获得的日期: 2001-01-01

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

做饭,维. P.古森,M. 奈尔,A. "Strome 研究 Grant - Launching Our Future" $9,000. bet8体育娱乐入口. 2022年2月18日
做饭,维. P. 罗素·里格斯,S. E. "Proctor and Gamble Fund Higher 教育 Grant Program" $10,000. 私人. -
平托,C. 爱丽儿.贝萨尔,O.塔利,W. K.索科洛夫斯基,J. A.乔治,A. V.拉巴迪,G. 库克,D。. P. "运输 Vulnerability Assessment for a More Dependable Supply Chain in Hampton Roads " $599,690. 联邦. -
李,我. X. 库克,D。. P. "夏季研究经费" 75,000美元. bet8体育娱乐入口. - 2005
平托,C. 爱丽儿.塔利,W. K.库克,D。. P. 拉巴迪,G. "Securing the Supply Chain of Urban Freight Movements" $79,500. bet8体育娱乐入口. -
做饭,维. P. "2004 College of Business and Public 政府 Summer 研究 Grant" $2,000. - 2004
做饭,维. P. "CBPA小额资助" 2000美元. - 2003




做饭,维. P. 张伟. (2019). 鲍德里奇奖的没落 . Benchmarking: an 国际 Journal 26 (6) , pp. 1972 - 1994.
陆,H., 李,我. X.赵某某. 库克,D。. P. (2018). A Model of Integrated Regional 物流 Hub in Supply Chain. 企业信息系统 12 (10) , pp. 1308 - 1335.
李,我. X.王,B. 库克,D。. P. (2014). Enhancing green supply chain initiatives via empty container reuse.. 交通运输研究E部 70 , pp. 190 - 204.
地方,D. C.Hayya, J. C. 库克,D。. P. (2013). Stockout Progpogation and Amplification in Supply chain Inventory Systems. 国际 Journal of Production 研究 51 (5) , pp. 1491-1507.
罗,我们.库克,D。. P. 卡森,E. (2011). 搜索 Advertising Placement Strategy: Exploring the Efficacy of the Conventional Wisdom. 信息 & 管理 48 (8) , pp. 404-411.
毛雷尔,年代. D. 库克,D。. P. (2011). Using Company Web Sites to E-Recruit Qualified Applicants: A Job Marketing Review of Theory-Based 研究. 人类行为中的计算机 27 (1) , pp. 106-117.
做饭,维. P. (2008). Medical Ethical and Policy Issues Arising from RIA. Handbook of 研究 on Public 信息 技术/ 信息 Science Reference, Hershey.
做饭,维. P. 罗,W. (2007). An Empirical Study of Trust of Third Party Rating 服务s. The Journal of Computer 信息 Systems 48 (2) , pp. 66-73.
做饭,维. P. (2005). 信息 Imbalance in Medical Decision Making: Upsetting the Balance. 信息 Ethics: 隐私 and Intellectual Property /信息 Science Publishing, Hershey , pp. 197-218.
做饭,维. P.约瑟夫·J. 莫顿,R. (2004). Quality Drivers for e-Pharmaceuticals System 管理: A Theoretical Framework. 国际 Journal of Electronic Business 2 (2) , pp. 174-192.
做饭,维. P. 戴夫,D。. (2004). Structural Elements of Online 服务 Product Quality. 国际 Journal Business Performance 管理 6 (2) , pp. 189-207.
做饭,维. P. 罗,L. (2003). The Role of Third Party Seals in Building Trust Online. 电子杂志 2 (3) , pp. 71-84.
做饭,维. P. (2001). The Efficacy of Using Presentation 技术 in an 信息 Systems Course: An Empirical Investigation. 棕榈审查 4 , pp. 25-31.


•麦克切斯尼•T.爱德华,K.库克,D。. P. 巴雷特,S。. (2020年10月5日). Unconventional Recruiting during a COVID-19 Environment Oral Presentation 27th Annual Part-Time MBA Conference & 4th Annual Online MBA Conference Online Due to COVID-19 Restrictions.
•麦克切斯尼•T.麦格雷戈,n.n.库克,D。. 斯塔福德,D. (2018年10月1日). 休斯顿,我们有麻烦了! What Can We Learn from Other Industries Transforming at Warp Speed Oral Presentation 2018 Part-Time MBA Conference Dallas, 德州.
做饭,维. P.. (2017年10月12日). Plenary Session: Voices from the Classroom: Student Panel Keynote/Plenary Address 2017 MBA for Working Professionals Conference Williamsburg.
做饭,维. P.. (2017年10月6日). Measuring and Communicating Success of Market-Driven Curricula Oral Presentation MBA Roundtable Annual Symposium Philadelphia.
Ziegenfuss D. 斯普里尔,R. R. (2015年10月5日). Implementing a Four Plus One Joint BSBA/MS in an Accounting Program Oral Presentation 2015 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. 张伟. (2014年11月24日). Port Quality and Performance: Literature Review and Future 研究 Directions Paper 45th Annual Meeting of the 决策科学 Institute Tampa, FL.
做饭,维. P. 张伟. (2013年11月16日). The Rise and Fall of the Baldrige Award and ISO Certification Paper 44th Annual Meeting of the 决策科学 Institute Baltimore, 马里兰.
Marsillac E. 库克,D。. P. (2012年4月20日). Examining the Characteristics of Environmentally Strategic Sustainable Sourcing in Supply Chains Paper 23rd Annual POMS Conference Chicago, 伊利诺斯州.
做饭,维. P. (2008年11月). 信息 搜索 in the B2B Space 39th Annual Meeting of the 决策科学 Institute Baltimore, MD.
做饭,维. P. (2008年10月). Quality 管理 Paradigm in Higher 教育 2008 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. (2007年11月). Where Should We Put Advertisements in 搜索 Engines? 38th Annual Meeting of the 决策科学 Institute Pheonix, AZ.
做饭,维. P. 罗,W. (2007年10月). Internet Advertising: 研究 and Issues 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. (2007年10月). Internet Advertising: 研究 and Issues 2007 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. (2006年10月). The Security Posture of Non-组织ally Maintained Personal Computers 2006 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. (2005年10月). 教学 Ethics and Operations 管理: What 资源 are Available? 2005 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.
做饭,维. P. (2004年11月). An Empirical Study of Trust of Third Party Rating 服务s 35th Annual Meeting of the 决策科学 Institute Boston, MA.
做饭,维. P. (2004年10月). Third-Party Web Seals and 隐私 Self-Regulation Online 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Chapter of InfORMS Myrtle Beach, SC.